[ My Take ] [ Why Hire Them ] [ Reviews ] [ Contact Information ]
The Fine Line Painting Co., Inc. has been successfully painting homes in the area since 1989.Gerald has always been committed to continuously improving the quality of his services, with the priority of satisfying each individual homeowner.
Early on he had painting crews, and painted homes inside and out. When the economy took a downturn in 2008, he had to lay off my crew, and return to doing all the work himself.
What Sets The Fine Line Painting Company Apart
He began by only painting kitchen cabinets, and it soon became his specialty. It is much more practical and affordable than any other options, such as refinishing, refacing or replacing. It only takes me about a week per kitchen, and he has painted over 400 sets of kitchen cabinets.
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Angie’s List Reviews A 13 reviews
Better Business Bureau Rating A+
Contacting Fine Line Painting Company
3305 Arrowwood Dr, Raleigh, NC 27604
website: http://www.finelinepaintingco.com/
telephone: (919) 790-0660